Author: kpiazza91

Sideline Suffering

May I say that one of the most difficult things to do is to watch someone you love suffer. Whether the watching occurs inches away or hundreds of miles away, to know that someone you love is grappling with pain, whether emotional or physical, and to lack the power to stop it is one of the greatest torments. It stirs up a rebellion within you. You can feel the energy course through your body. Your hands tingle with the desire to do something – anything, to act, to defend, to rescue, and yet at times, there is simply nothing that…

Led to Hope

It is a popular belief that a soul in mourning should be at liberty, free to express itself, free to explore thoughts, emotions and desires without restraint. In a “you-do-you” world, it seems the only rule placed on those grieving is “thou shall not have rules.” Cry. Scream. Kick. Hide. Rage. Blame. Avoid. Vent. Take the journey of grief and let the waves of sorrow toss your soul wherever it will. There is no wrong way to grieve. Which Direction? And while a heart throbbing with compassion longs to agree, I cannot keep silent. I am compelled to say, “False!”…

Songs in the Night

Heartaches hurt more at night. Everyone from eight years old to eighty years old knows this. Fears are more terrifying, dread more suffocating when darkness falls. There is an isolation that comes in the night as one by one our friends and family drift to sleep, the phone goes silent, the house grows still and we are left alone with our thoughts. We can feel abandoned. Disarmed. Vulnerable. Night can also bring irrationality. Fatigue wraps its fingers around our minds, slipping past our mental barriers and leading us easily into captivity. We drift into thoughts we wouldn’t allow ourselves to…


March is the month when we begin to believe that the flowers will win. Winter may continue to lash out with its ice and snow; but in March, hope takes root. The flowers will win. The sun will triumph. Even on cold mornings and chilly evenings, the wind cannot help but repeat its message: “Spring is coming; all will be well. Spring is coming…” A Reminder As I sit and watch the world once more begin tumbling into its spring-time routines. I smile, remembering the impossibility that spring seemed to be just a couple of weeks ago. Buried in the…

The Coming Kingdom

How has your year been so far? It is sometimes amazing how much can happen in such a short time. How quickly a new year can grow old. Dreams, hopes and resolutions can be eroded in a day, or in just one or two sleepless nights. For those of you who have already felt pain in this new year and are looking to the months ahead wondering how you will manage to make it through, I want to draw you aside for a moment. I want you to come with me. There is a mountain peak in the book of…