Category: Hope Blog


Thanksgiving is upon us! Recipes are being pinned, stretchy pants are being pulled out… It is truly a wonderful time of year! And still, my heart goes out to those of you who look forward to this Thursday with pain in your heart, a sinking sensation in your soul. Perhaps this is your first Thanksgiving without a loved one. Or perhaps it just feels that way in spite of the lapse of several years. Maybe you are dreading the memories that will be stirred up and the empty chair at the table. In Spite of Sorrow Every holiday holds a…

The Ministry of Scars

Suffering leaves scars. Anyone who has spent a season in darkness knows this. Whether the scars are visible or carefully hidden, there is no one who passes through heartache without being forever changed. As you think about your life, you may be able to easily identify these scars. You recognize the ways that heartache has altered you. Perhaps you are now more prone to tears during certain times of the year or even certain times of the day. You may struggle with haunting memories or painful flashbacks. For some, the scars might be an inability to concentrate, to sleep or…

Your Hope This September

I was reminded recently of the depth of pain some families are enduring as they care for their medically fragile children. The world talks and thinks of the average, of the norm. It’s September and social media platforms are flooded with back-to-school photos and off-to-college snippets. The average family is packing lunches and traveling to fall sporting events; but not everyone is part of an average family. Not all our Septembers are the same. For some, calendar months have no relevance. You live by rounds, not months. Some of you live by shifts, not days. Some of you aren’t looking…

The Bridge is Out

There once was a girl who was traveling to a far off city. On her journey she heard rumors that the bridge was out ten miles down the road. This news devastated the girl as she knew there was no other route to the city she was seeking. Disheartened, the girl began to think. She thought of the great obstacle that lay before her. Then, in determination not to be thwarted in her journey, she began to gather wood and a hammer and nails. There, ten miles from the river, she began to build a bridge. Quite a girl, right?…

Rest for Your Soul

Even in sorrow there are pathways towards light. There are foot paths that lead to rest, to quiet comfort and to the everlasting fountain of hope. These pathways are called truth. They are always there but not always in use. I don’t know what it is, but grief seems to breed passivity. Perhaps it is the weariness of sorrow. Reaching out for Rest On my more difficult days, I have no desire to fight. No drive to ward off the enemy’s lies. No ambition “to take captive and bring into subjection” every thought and emotion. I am limp. The slave…