The Forbidden Room

There is a room that every wise believer should never enter. Not a literal room, but a room in the mind – a place in one’s imagination. It is a room that is filled with poison. The very air plagues the soul… withering courage, undermining strength, and weakening faith. And yet, the room draws us like a magnet. It lures us, ever pulling us deeper and deeper. You’ve been there. We all have. What is this room? Merely take a look at the sign above the doorway, it is the “What If Room,” the room of hypothetical futures. The room…

A Returning Friend

There is nothing like looking up into the eyes of a friend when your heart is breaking. To be able to look into a face filled with love and compassion and to read in their expression sorrow for your sorrow… there is no comfort like it. Though there seemed to be no hope before, courage can’t help but rise with the knowledge that an ally is near. It is a beautiful thing. A Dear Friend Every year as Easter approaches, I feel as though it is just such a friend. In the spring of every year, Easter comes to me…

Is Ignorance Bliss?

There really is something to that saying, “Ignorance is bliss.” The past couple of weeks my oldest son has been struggling at bed time. He’s six, and every so often we seem to go through the same thing. The sun starts to set and all of his fears – rational and irrational – leap out and take over his mind. I’m sure every parent out there can relate. Nights are tough for little people (and if we’re honest, nights are sometimes tough for us big people!). We’re working through it; but in one of the conversations I had with him,…