Category: Hope Blog

Living in the Middle

I spotted a kindred spirit in Thomas Jefferson after reading that he once sent ten wagon loads of his beloved books from his home in Monticello to the newly established Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. Though I’ve never counted my books by the wagon-load, I would certainly say that books have played a major role in my life. I’ve marked my life by them. I associate certain events in my life with the books I was reading at the time… Sense and Sensibility after the birth of my first baby (I read it out loud to him… I’m sure…

The Agony of Hope

Hope is such a peculiar thing. At times it is a source of life. Something like a wind that stirs stagnant water. It moves us, filling us with visions of what could be. Hope has the power to stimulate our souls and carry us through nightmares. And yet at times hope becomes a poison. A source of pain. A thing that results in agony. For when we hope, we allow our hearts to paint the future the way we desire it. We dream in the brightest, most brilliant colors. We create a portrait of the life we long for. But…

Is Time the Enemy?

In the next few days I will be facing the anniversary of the day Colette left us for Heaven… I inch towards that day reluctantly. It’s one of those days I wouldn’t mind sleeping straight through. And yet, I know I must face it. I must live every one of those twenty-four hours regardless of the sorrow they bring me. For a while, time will hurt me. It will drag me, pulling me forward. It will usher me into the presence of a day I dread. It will compel me to come face to face with agonizing memories. But time,…

Good Fruit from Bitter Soil – Through Redeeming Pain

 You know that I’ve never shied away from the idea that good fruit can be harvested from bitter soil. God has a pretty clear record of redeeming pain, of turning ashes into things of beauty. It’s simply how our God works. Yet, I’ll be the first to admit that I struggle in times when I’m incapacitated. I hate “wasting” time. I hate seasons of sickness… seasons of weakness… seasons of sub par–ness. It just frustrates me! I want to do, to achieve, to check all the boxes and hand the list back to God saying, “What next?” When I run…

The Forbidden Room

There is a room that every wise believer should never enter. Not a literal room, but a room in the mind – a place in one’s imagination. It is a room that is filled with poison. The very air plagues the soul… withering courage, undermining strength, and weakening faith. And yet, the room draws us like a magnet. It lures us, ever pulling us deeper and deeper. You’ve been there. We all have. What is this room? Merely take a look at the sign above the doorway, it is the “What If Room,” the room of hypothetical futures. The room…