Rest for Your Soul

Even in sorrow there are pathways towards light. There are foot paths that lead to rest, to quiet comfort and to the everlasting fountain of hope. These pathways are called truth. They are always there but not always in use. I don’t know what it is, but grief seems to breed passivity. Perhaps it is the weariness of sorrow. Reaching out for Rest On my more difficult days, I have no desire to fight. No drive to ward off the enemy’s lies. No ambition “to take captive and bring into subjection” every thought and emotion. I am limp. The slave…

The Month of May

The Anticipated Month May has come: my month of shadows, my month of ghosts. In the weeks leading up to the turning of the calendar I find myself bracing, gathering my armor, attempting to prepare myself for the onslaught of memories and pain. And yet I know nothing will quite shield me from the heartache. It has been four years, and I still tread through the month warily. To be quite honest, I tread through every month warily. Though I would call myself blessed and reveal that I am astounded by the joy and peace I’ve found, I cannot deny…

The Holiday of Hope

Easter is the holiday of hope. Thanksgiving teaches us to be grateful for what is in our hands. Then Christmas sings us a story of love. But Easter raises her head above the brokenness of this world and cries, “There is yet hope!” It is the holiday for the hurting: the day for those in dark places. Because, you see, Easter gives us a glimpse into the minutes that follow The End. In addition, Easter allows us to turn the page and behold, for just a brief moment, the light that comes after the bleakest of nights. Easter assures us…

Love What is March

“Teach my heart to love, not what used to be, not what is to be, but what is.” I wrote these words during a season of yearning and disquietness. Perhaps some of you may have prayed similar prayers. Maybe some of you know what it is to have your body strapped down to painful circumstances while your soul is constantly seeking escape — flying into the past where all was unbroken or into the future when all will be well again. What Does the Heart Long For? The heart longs for rest. It longs for peace and for beauty. When…


To be a warrior with feet of clay sometimes means that your biggest enemy is yourself. And yet, I’m afraid there are no other types of warriors. We, all of us, cannot escape the reality that our feet are made of clay; our frames are composed of dust. Though we are called to greatness and valor, though we yearn to rise, we cannot escape the fact that weakness is imprinted deeply within us all. Wait, What? I know this may sound appallingly pessimistic in the ears of modern readers; after all, we live in a “Dream it; Do it” world…